After the Constitutional Court (TC) rejected the request that sought to remove Hugo Gutiérrez (PC), from Chile Vamos indicated that they do not rule out resorting to other instances.
According to Emol, deputies Luis Pardo (RN) and Javier Macaya (UDI) indicated that they could even resort to international bodies, arguing that the rights of the child were violated.
It is worth remembering that the appeal presented to the TC by 10 deputies from Chile Vamos sought to dismiss Gutiérrez for “having incited, by word or in writing, the alteration of public order.” In this context, the parliamentarian shared on his Twitter account a series of drawings made by children, in which images of violence against President Sebastián Piñera were shown.
The request was rejected by 7 votes to 1, being the minister Cristián Letelier (former UDI deputy) the only one who was to accept the request.
Letelier argued that “the requested person disseminates dialogues of children with personifications contrary to the democratic tradition, giving rise to a complaint by the Children’s Ombudsman before the Family Courts of Iquique, for violation of article 19 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child “, says a statement from the TC.
Meanwhile, Gutiérrez pointed out that “this court at the end of the day acted as a court of law and not as an inquisitorial court as the right wanted it to be.”
“It is something quite ironic that a court where I did not defend myself, I still won. Because one could say that the right ran alone and came second, because history acquitted me without even defending myself,” he added, according to the slogan. Emol.