After the death of María Isabel Pavez: Groups ask for more and better measures to prevent femicides | National


After the death of María Isabel Pavez, different groups for women’s rights expressed the need to advance in criminal matters, with measures that reduce the number of femicides in the country.

From January 1 to date, they have been carried out 56 femicides, 3 femicidal suicides and 2 crimes against trans according to data from the Chilean Network Against Violence Towards Women.

Only in December, 3 new femicides were registered; a woman murdered by her partner, another kidnapped by her ex-partner for five days and the last, a victim of a frustrated femicide.

A study carried out this 2020 by the Miles Corporation in conjunction with the Center for Women’s Studies revealed that 1 in 3 women suffered some type of violence during the pandemic.

Anita Peña, executive director of Corporación Miles, pointed out that the study is a wake-up call to the authorities, in addition to the fact that the policies in this matter are insufficient since they focus on criminal sanction and not on early prevention.

The Minister for Women, Mónica Zalaquett, stressed that this is a phenomenon that requires an intersectional approach and that we must work together otherwise, there is a risk that violence against women will become a systemic issue.

The Ministry of Women and Gender Equity has been pressuring Parliament to advance in legal matters, thus achieving the Gabriela law. This was approved expanding the classification of crime against gender. The figure of the boyfriend was incorporated into the investigative and criminal process.

Julieta Rivera, spokeswoman for the Association of Family Victims of Femicide, criticized that public policies focused on eradicating violence are insufficient and that there should be a penalty commensurate with the seriousness of the crime.

Sernameg has different figures from the Miles Corporation and the Chilean Network Against Violence Against Women, since according to Chilean law, femicide is the murder of a woman by her spouse or partner. While both the corporation and the network qualify as femicide the act of killing a woman for machismo or misogyny.
