After receiving shouts and some stones, soldiers withdrew from the Plaza de Puente Alto


Military withdrew from the sector of the Plaza de Puente Alto after receiving shouts and stones from protesters from the sector, who also clashed with Carabineros personnel on Wednesday afternoon.

About 20 Army officials arrived to control traffic on Avenida Concha y Toro, because the circulation of vehicles was partially interrupted, with some cars passing in the middle of the barricades lit on the street.

It was then that a group of between 50 and 60 people -some of them hooded- began to yelling “out” at them, “go to the barracks”, and calling them “assassins”; and when the troops started to retreat, some protesters started throwing stones at them.

As they were leaving one of the military shot a protester in the leg – apparently with a rubber pellet – an impact that did not cause a serious injury.

The protest of this day began earlier in the Metro station Protectora de la Infancia, to conclude in the Plaza de Puente Alto shortly before 9:00 p.m. Carabineros took three detained people for standing up to his staff.

In addition to the barricades lit on the outskirts of both stations, in the square there was destruction of public lights and signage.

“Today we have lived a new day of hatred and violence”said the colonel Jorge Miranda, from the Santiago Cordillera Prefecture, who reported that during the protests there was “constant aggression towards the Carabineros staff; destruction of public and private furniture – office windows, signage, mirrors”, and also “the Civil Registry was damaged, also the Government and some vehicles that were inside “.

“We have three carabinieri injured product of the stones, and also some detainees that we are verifying at this time, “he said.
