After 100 days of searching: What gave away the alleged perpetrator of Carolina’s crime?
The Investigative Police arrested Ricardo Neira, 44 years old. He is the last person who would have seen Carolina Fuentes before her disappearance. Now the Prosecutor’s Office will charge him with the crime of femicide.
One hundred days have passed since he disappeared in the Ninhue commune Carolina Fuentes Bustos, so that the first arrest for the case occurred. Is about Ricardo Neira, a 44-year-old man from the area.
PDI detectives came to the subject’s house to arrest him. Almost two months ago, on August 14, he had delivered his first statement to the media when he said that he was “just as heartfelt and hurt as them, I have the same concern as them (friends and family). The difference is that I cannot walk with them in line because they point directly at me. “
In those days, the PDI, Carabineros and the Army were searching the area, but without news. That was until the night of October 5, fishermen found a body in the Ñuble River that, after expert reports, it was determined that it corresponded to Carolina and Ricardo was arrested.
The arrest occurred on a particularly special day, since after almost four months of uncertainty, Carolina’s family, who came from Santiago, and that of her native Ninhue, met again.
The arrest was of the person who had seen her for the last time on June 30, the day he allegedly left her at the Chillán bus terminal for her return trip, something that never happened.
“I think there are more people involved and I hope and trust that those people will also be arrested and have to pay,” said one of Carolina’s relatives.
For now the only accused is Ricardo Neira. This Friday it will be made available to the Quirihue Guarantee Court for its control of detention and eventual formalization of charges.
According to Héctor Espinosa, general director of the PDI, “there are antecedents that directly and forcefully link him to the fact.” For her part, the Ñuble regional prosecutor, Nayalet Mansilla, indicated that “we are talking about femicide. There has been a modification that you should be aware of due to the recent modification regarding this criminal type and, therefore, the Prosecutor’s Office considers that it is a crime of femicide. “
The beginning of a judicial process that seeks to clarify the truth, while for this Wednesday Carolian’s funeral is expected in Ninhue.