This afternoon, the Chamber of Deputies approved the draft constitutional reform that allows a second withdrawal of pension funds.
In this regard, the AFP Association reiterated the negative impacts that, according to the organization, a second retirement for people would have.
“We administrators are one more actor in the pension system and if the law is passed, we will receive the mandate from the regulator to execute it with the same responsibility with which we acted in the first exceptional withdrawal,” they said at first this afternoon after the project was approved.
“But nevertheless, As actors in the system, it is also our responsibility to warn that the cost of a second retirement is higher both for the 4 million people who will eventually run out of future savings as well as for women and workers with salaries of less than a million pesos who will see their pensions. even more diminished, affecting their future savings ”, said Fernando Larraín, manager of the union.
Likewise, Larraín regretted that pension funds should be used to alleviate the economic recession.
“Once again, it will be the workers who will have to use their future savings to face the costs of the crisis caused by the pandemic, further deepening the inequality that exists in the country and making their old age more vulnerable,” he concluded.