A blow received the deputy Aracely Leuquén (RN), since the action that she filed in the Constitutional Court (TC) to avoid the trial for her violation after starring in a violent “afternoon of drinking” in 2019, was rejected during this working day.
The action he presented before the TC sought to paralyze the case that must be resolved by the Plenary of the Court of Santiago. His justification was that there was unconstitutionality in the complaint for the crime of libel, presented by the lawyer Gonzalo Bulnes, who sponsors Katherine Contreras, victim of the deputy.
However, the TC rejected this appeal of inapplicability by 8 votes in favor and 2 against.
The body’s ruling counted on the votes of María Luisa Brahm, Iván Aróstica, Gonzalo García, Juan José Romero, José Ignacio Vásquez, María Silva and Rodrigo Pica. The votes against were Cristián Letelier and Miguel Ángel Fernández.
For the trial to continue, the Plenary of the Court of Appeals of Santiago must meet to decide whether it takes away parliamentary immunity.