18 October, 2020 | Posted at 12:12 PM
18 October, 2020 | Posted at 12:12 PM
Academic lived funny joke in CHV after dropping his camera: the relaxed garment he was wearing was seen
Academic lived funny chascarro in CHV after dropping his camera: the relaxed garment he was wearing was seen
On the news
Capture | CHV
In the context of the pandemic, there are several television jokes that have attracted attention due to teleworking and interviews through video call services.
One of the most recent occurred this Sunday morning, during the broadcast of Chilevisión News, which has drawn more than a laugh on Twitter and other platforms.
The moment occurred during an interview on the positive and negative effects of social networks, within the framework of the so-called “social outbreak”.
To analyze the issue, the newscast had a contact via video call with Daniel Halpern, an academic from the Faculty of Communications of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
And it was during his presentation that a curious fail occurred. His camera began to pan to the side and then fell, revealing that the shirt he was wearing was just a “screen” for the interview, because down he wore some flashy shorts.
“Like all things… Oh, sorry! It fell, sorry “commented the academic and then CHV took the image of the contact and began to show images of demonstrations of 18-O.
The moment was shared by the Twitter account Television and already has thousands of reproductions.
Telework mode pic.twitter.com/eCgTihv8Cu
– TELE (@Televisibly) October 18, 2020
“I do the same”; “I laughed out loud”; “Now everyone is a suspect”; “What a relaxation”; and “Represents this pandemic year so well” were some of the comments left at the time.