The commission, made up of the Minister of Education, Raúl Figueroa Salas; Ennio Vivaldi Véjar, rector of the University of Chile; Ignacio Sánchez, Rector Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and also representative of the Council of Rectors; María Cecilia Hidalgo Tapia, President of the Chilean Academy of Sciences and Fabián Miguel Jaksic Andrade, 2018 National Prize for Natural Sciences, chose for this year’s delivery, Francisco Esteban Milan Bozinovic Kuscevic as winner of the National Prize in Natural Sciences.

The unanimous decision of the five members of the jury was based on Bozinovic’s great contribution to the field of natural sciences. He is a pioneering evolutionary biologist, who developed a new paradigm and scientific approach, integrating physiology, environment and biogeography, concept that is currently known as Integrative Biology.


Likewise, he has given conclusive evidence of having a scientific community that recognizes and values ​​him, not only for his findings and brilliant studies, but also because he has set his sights on the long term by directing his academic work towards society and the education of students. most needy ”

Bozinovic Kuscevic He was born in Punta Arenas on June 6, 1959. He has a degree in Biology from the University of Chile (1983). He is also a Ph.D. in Science from the same university. Added to that is postdoctoral training at The Carnegie Institution USA.

He is currently Professor of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Director of the Department of Ecology and Deputy Director of the Center for Basal Financing Center of Applied Ecology and Sustainability.