Abbott supports reform of Carabineros: The culture within the institution is very complex | National


The national prosecutor, Jorge Abbott, affirmed that he will investigate the threats against the persecutor Ximena Chong whoever falls, after he was victims of various attacks after the formalization of the police officer accused of pushing a minor from the Pío Nono bridge.

It was through Instagram that the prosecutor ruled out having a tension with the Carabineros, but indicated that he supported the reform of the institution since, in his opinion, it had demonstrated obvious deficiencies.

Moreover, it indicated that “There is a culture within the institution that is very complex. What we have asked is to actively participate in the training of the carabinieri, so that he can definitely understand that the work of the Carabineros must be respectful of the fundamental rights of the people ”.

Likewise, he added, that this should not be focused on the arrest of people, but rather on seeking convictions, seeking records using only legitimate means.

You attack Chong

In the instance, he described the events that occurred against the prosecutor as “unacceptable” and that is why he decided to contact the Minister of the Interior, Víctor Pérez.

He recalled that it is not the first time that prosecutors have been victims of this type of intimidation, but stressed that the fact that subjects arrived on a motorcycle at the house of the persecutor and delivered a letter to his son, are much more complex situations.

Similarly, he described as “Confused and without reasonable explanation” for a policeman to walk outside his home.

The national prosecutor assured that they will do everything possible to establish the responsibilities.

“If something has characterized the Public Ministry, it is that here it will be whoever falls, including people from the institution itself. Nobody here, and we have repeated it a thousand times, is above the law and we do not get lost in that, “he closed.

Requested emails La Minsal

According to Abbott, if there is no irregular situation in the Ministry of Health emails, Minister Enrique Paris should deliver them in the framework of the investigation into the deaths of covid-19.

This, after a complaint filed against President Sebastián Piñera; the former Minister of Health, Jaime Mañalich; the Undersecretary of Public Health, Paula Daza; and the Healthcare Networks, Rodrigo Zúñiga.

In the midst of these proceedings, the Prosecutor’s Office asked the current head of Health, Enrique Paris, to deliver documentation and emails from the aforementioned authorities. However, the aforementioned refused, arguing that it is sensitive information and that national security is being violated.

Faced with the rejection, the North Central Prosecutor’s Office went to the Supreme Court, which will finally determine whether or not the Minsal will have to deliver what is required.

In this regard, the national prosecutor stated that if there is no irregular situation they should deliver those emails.

Likewise, he declared that he does not see where there could be an impact on national security with the required documentation and that in case the Supreme Court accepts the arguments of Minister Paris and the lawyers of Piñera and Mañalich and they cannot access the emails, he affirmed that “What we have to do is see the information that we have and that which we can collect that is not subject to the limitations that may be established by the most excellent court.”

He indicated that he is struck by the fact that the litigants target the messenger instead of providing background information.
