Abbott contacts Minister Pérez for threats to Ximena Chong: a police officer would be involved | National


Sebastián Beltrán | UNO Agency


He National prosecutor, Jorge Abbott, contacted the Minister of the Interior, Víctor Pérez, about the threats received by the persecutor Centro Norte Ximena Chong, after the formalization of the Carabinero accused of pushing a minor from the Pío Nono bridge to the bed of the Mapocho River during the demonstrations last Friday in Plaza Baquedano.

Since the formalization of the police officer for the alleged crime of attempted homicide, the head of Alta Complexidad Centro Norte has received various attacks, threats and disclosure of personal information.

According to the information collected by Radio Bío Bío, one of them It would involve a high-ranking Carabineros officer who was controlled by the Investigative Police after stopping his motorcycle in front of the persecutor’s home.

Abbott’s call came at 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, with the purpose of expressing concern for the safety of all prosecutors and, in particular, prosecutor Ximena Chong.

In Abbott’s opinion, “if actions of this type are found, their occurrence is inadmissible and particularly serious in the framework of the work carried out by Public Prosecutors, who cannot be subjected to pressure in carrying out tasks that are based on in giving certainty that the criminal prosecution is carried out with objectivity and transparency, regardless of who the investigated are ”.

It is also important to highlight that the Government undertook to gather information and in parallel, the prosecutor Francisco Jacir, from the North Central Prosecutor’s Office, opened an investigation that allow finding those responsible for the attacks.

As a result of the aforementioned events, the prosecutor is under police protection.
