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An earthquake of strong magnitude was registered this Sunday afternoon in the commune of Toltén, La Araucanía region.

The movement was also seen in the regions of Ñuble, Bío Bío, Los Ríos and Los Lagos.

According to the National Seismological Center, the movement was of magnitude 6.7 with a depth of 26.5 kilometers.

Meanwhile, the epicenter was located 144 km west of Toltén.

From Onemi they indicated that preliminarily, no damage to people, alteration to basic services or infrastructure are reported as a result of this earthquake.

On the other hand, the SHOA pointed out that the characteristics of the movement do not meet the necessary conditions to generate a tsunami off the coast of Chile.

The intensities on the Mercalli scale are as follows:

Ñuble region

Yungay: V

Bio bio region

Chiguayante: III

Conception: III

Hualpén: III

Lebu: III

Los Angeles: IV

Birth: III

Talcahuano: III

Tirúa: V

Tucapel: III

Araucania region

English v

Carahue: V

Cunco: IV

Curacautín: IV

Curarrehue: IV

Ercilla: III

Gorbea: V

Loncoche: V

Lumaco: III

Melipeuco: IV

New Imperial: IV

Father Las Casas: VI

Pitrufquén: V

Pucón: IV

Puren: IV

Saavedra: V

Temuco: VI

Theodore Schmidt: V

Tolten: V

Victory: IV

Vilcún: V

Villarrica: V

River region

Corral: V

Futrono: III

The Union: IV

Ranco Lake: IV

Lanco: IV

The Lakes: V

Ivory: IV

Mariquina: III

Mehuín: IV

Paillaco: IV

Panguipulli: IV

Rio Bueno: IV

Valdivia: V

Los Lagos Region

Ancud: IV

Castro: III

Freesia: IV

Meow: III

Osorno: V

Puerto Montt: V

Port Octay: V

Puerto Varas: IV

Purranque: V

Puyehue: III

Quellon: III

Rio Negro: V

San Juan de la Costa: V

Saint Paul: V