A PDI official killed an assailant who after a frustrated attempt to “lock up” in Florida | National


An officer of the Investigative Police (PDI) killed an assailant who tried to steal her car, by means of the “lock-in” method in Américo Vespucio at the height of the commune of La Florida.

The event was recorded on Monday night, when four individuals inside a smaller vehicle tried to lock up the car where the woman was traveling, who fired a single shot, killing one of the assailants.

According to the information provided by the Carabineros, after the shot that killed the assailant, his three companions fled the scene in the same vehicle in which they had arrived.

The head of the Eastern Metropolitan Prefecture, Marisela Gárate, indicated that the four men surrounded the car and pointed firearms at the PDI official, demanding that she get out of her car.

When leaving the car, she is attacked by one of the subjects. The officer drew her weapon and fired the shot.

“Two of them pointed firearms and the person next to her hit the glass, forcing her down (…) the subject immediately pounces on her, so he uses his service weapon ”, Garate indicated.

The procedure is being carried out by Carabineros, who carry out the rigorous tests to determine what happened and identify the body of the assailant.
