China Railways Construction Corporation submitted the best offer, which was also attended by Sacyr. This is the first concession that the firm has obtained in the country.
In the framework of opening economic offers for the Talca-Chillán route, the current concessionaire of that section of Route 5, the Colombian ISA-Intervial, would be losing the opportunity to continue in charge.
This, because one of the bidders who entered to dispute the project, the China Railways Construction Corporation made a more attractive offer to the state. The Spanish Sacyr had also sent a proposal.
This accentuates the presence of companies from the Asian giant in the country, after last week it became known that the CGE would pass into the hands of State Grid, opening the debate on the presence of Chinese state companies in strategic sectors in the country
The Asian consortium offered total income from the concession (ITC) for 29,898,670 UF (about US $ 1,130 million at today’s exchange rate). This would be the first tender to build and manage assets that a firm in this country has been awarded, just in a week that has been marked by the purchase that another company in its country is making of CGE.
The initiative consists of improving Route 5 between the cities of Talca and Chillán, which begins approximately between km 219 (northern sector of Río Claro) and km 412 (southern sector of Chillán Viejo), with a current extension of approximately 193 km and a projected length of approximately 195 km for a route that includes the Maule and Ñuble Regions.
The work includes the development of structures such as bridges, viaducts, railroad crossings, links, returns, crossings, and footbridges. It also considers the incorporation of a bypass with an approximate length of 54 km for a design speed of 120 km / h (bi-directional with two lanes in each direction). The investment is estimated at about US $ 800 million.
The Minister of Public Works, Alfredo Moreno, commented that the section should be ready in about 5 or 6 years, and that the new business model for highway concessions “has been very successful and that shows that we have had three offers from relevant companies “.
Arrival of Chinese companies to the country
When asked about the doubts that have arisen regarding the arrival of Chinese capital companies in Chile, Moreno replied that “We believe that both Chilean and international companies from any country are very welcome.”
“The concessions business has been a good thing for the concessionaires and at the same time it has been a very positive thing for the country. We are glad that more and more companies want to participate,” he said.
For her part, the representative of China Railways Construction Corporation, Delia Zhao, commented that “we are very happy to participate in the Talca-Chillán section. We have carried out an in-depth analysis of that project and we have a group of advisers, we are sure that with our suppliers and subcontractors we can achieve a good execution of the work “.
Regarding whether they are going to apply for more concessions, he replied that “surely yes, our company is interested in actively investing in Chile. We pay attention to the projects and participate selectively. “