For all children, and also for many adults, Hallowe’en It had already become an expected party, assimilated to our reality after its import from United States.
The tour of the little ones through the streets disguised to the sound of the usual “Trick or treat?” it was a custom, as were numerous parties for the older ones.
But the coronavirus pandemic came to change what was already a custom, that is why the authorities and health specialists made several recommendations to vary the way to face this Saturday, October 31 … “Halloween night”.

The Health Ministry of the Metropolitan Region, Paula Labra, delivered a series of recommendations.
“Parents and adults must be very responsible, and avoid door-to-door tours, which involve health risks and crowds. That is why we invite you to celebrate at home, or to make short tours coordinated with the neighbors.”
Paula Labra specified that “It is not necessary to deliver sweets in shared dishes or bags because that implies the contact of many hands. They must do so in separate and sanitized bags, and consume them in their respective homes … We also do not recommend that children use masks instead of masks, they do not have the The same effect. And we must be careful that children do not wear a mask under a mask, because that has a risk of suffocation … A good idea is to have costume parties for Zoom, to avoid walking from house to house in crowds “.
And the Intendant of the Metropolitan Region, Felipe Guevara, warned that the communes in Phase 2 of Transition will be in quarantine this weekend, therefore they will not be able to celebrate the festival of Hallowe’en, the same those that remain in confinement.
“This fact does not suspend the sanitary rules that govern us. The communes in phase 3 and 4 have more freedom, but that at the same time implies more responsibility. Therefore, I ask that people plan this Halloween with the proper sanitary measures. Gel alcohol is essential, the same as celebrating early to avoid the curfew that continues between 11 pm and 5 am “.
The doctor Eduardo Jerez, pediatrician and bronchopulmonary specialist Santiago RedSalud Clinic, noted that “As this party has been established for a long time in the country, and especially in children, it is not a matter of arriving and eliminating it. The little ones have been very emotionally compromised with the pandemic, that is why we have to celebrate anyway, to give them a break and a playful moment. But this must be adjusted to the health situation “.
That is why the doctor said that it is best to stay at home.
“I do not recommend that you go out for a walk in the streets. It is better to do something at home, or if you live in a condominium to agree with the neighbors to plan protected activities that minimize health risks. Adults should be responsible and create a safe environment. For example, it is possible to play games indoors, with parents and children dressed up. “
Eduardo Jerez added that “It has been seen that children have been less affected by the coronavirus than older ones in terms of the intensity of symptoms, or that many children are asymptomatic. But that implies that they can be more dangerous when it comes to spreading the contagion, for that’s better to have safeguards. “
Another contribution was delivered by toxicologist Fernando Torres, director of the School of Chemistry and Pharmacy of the Andrés Bello University, who details how to choose sweets and costumes for Halloween in the context of the pandemic.
“We must not neglect the ingredients and composition of products such as sweets of intense colors and costumes made of synthetic materials that are invading the market at this time. That is why the call is to look at what we buy. For example, the manufacture of candies, the labeling of their containers, distribution and sale must comply with technical requirements to guarantee their quality and safety “he explained.

The toxicologist added that “Its composition must ensure safety for humans, therefore, they have to be made with certified raw materials, authorized by the FDA and by the health authority of our country … A few decades ago, candies were made from pulp of fruits, honey and ground cereals, and they were a food that gave a lot of energy. Today, on the other hand, other ingredients are used to make these sweets, such as sugar, caramel syrups, colorants, flavorings, oils and waxes “.
In the case of imported products, the academic of the A B highlighted that “Those who market them in Chile must present to the health authority a series of documents that support the manufacture and ensure that the sweets or costumes do not contain toxic substances, that their composition is in accordance with what is stated on the label of the container, which must be written in Spanish, and both sweeteners and colorings must be allowed by the local health authority.
Regarding the costumes, he specified that “Care must be taken with paints that are used on the face and applied to fabrics, since if they do not have the proper quality control and certification that they are not toxic they could be contaminated with lead or other metals. Exposure to certain doses of lead can affect the neurological development of the child, as well as nickel, cobalt and chromium, causing skin sensitization and contact dermatitis “.
Another matter of concern always in Hallowe’en This refers to the high consumption of sweets and sweets by children. But contrary to what might be believed, in the days after there is an explosion of consultations.
“Cavities occur by a process, so it is advisable to always worry about them, and not only for Halloween. Ideally, adults measure the amount of candy that children consume, but now that they must be at home we can appeal to the imagination to, for example, play with fruits and create figures allusive to the holiday with them. For example, tangerines such as pumpkins or fruit mixed in plastic cups “, said the dentist Nicolas Dayz, graduate scholar of the Major university.
The dentist said it’s ideal “Do not eat sticky sweets or sweets, which stay longer on the teeth and accentuate the effect on the teeth. It is also not good to consume them throughout the day, but hopefully for a limited time. A good measure is to change them for desserts in the meals. And as always we recommend a good cleaning in the morning and at night, with pastes that contain fluoride. Brushing your teeth every so often is not good either, as the gums are affected. “

From the government program Choose Living Healthy, emphasized that the recommendation of the World Health Organization, WHO, is that no more than 10% of a person’s energy requirement comes from simple sugars, including the sugar provided by fruits.
This means, for example, that an 8-year-old child, with an average weight of 25 kilos and moderate physical activity and normal nutritional status, should consume a maximum of 170 kcal from simple sugars daily, equivalent to 44 grams of sugar. And if the child eats three fruits a day, he would already reach 40 grams of sugar.
The executive secretary of Choose Living Healthy, Daniela godoyHe specified that “the call is not to prohibit children from consuming sweets during these holidays, but to limit excessive consumption of cookies, sweets and chocolates, and to complement with recreational activities or some healthier preparations.”