A green dog is born in Italy and his photos went viral: he was christened “Pistachio” | Society


A young Italian reported the birth of a dog whose coat color is green, which is why they named him Pistachio. The images of the puppy have been viralized on social networks, since its characteristics make it unique.

The owner of the little dog is a peasant named Cristian Mallocci, who owns a farm in the town of Palu ‘e Carru with his father.

In conversation with the medium La Stampa, the young man indicated that it is a labrador retriever, which was born at the beginning of October and has developed in a good way.

“We have named it after its color. He has become the farm’s mascot and captured the attention of our children, who have seen him in the photo ”, Indian.

Mallocci indicated that, after speaking with specialists, he understood that this green Pistachio hue will disappear over time, for which the phenomenon did not take major concern.

Pistachio dog Perro

Posted by Cristian Mallocci on Friday, October 9, 2020

The young man added that the veterinarians deduced that this tonality of the puppy is given by a substance called biliverdin, which mixes with the mother’s amniotic fluid and can cause a special color in the hair.

However, and as in the case of Pistachio, this quality disappears with the passage of weeks and the coat returns to its normal state.

It should be noted that a similar case had been registered in England during, after a dog was born with a greenish hair color. That one was baptized as “Fifi”, in reference to Fiona from the tape Shrek.

Another example occurred in Germany last year, after a green puppy was named as “Mojito”.
