What happened?
This Friday, the United States added six new symptoms associated with the new Covid-19 coronavirus to its official list, so together with those that previously existed, the country contemplates a total of new symptoms related to the disease.
Before this measure, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of the United States only associated the fever, cough and shortness of breath with the coronavirus.
What are the new symptoms?
The agency published on its website that the new symptoms are chills, tremors, muscle aches, headache, sore throat, and sudden loss of sense of smell or taste.
These can be presented from two days from the first contact with the virus, and up to 14 days later.
The CDC cautioned that medical attention should be sought immediately when the following emergency signs appear: trouble breathing, persistent chest pain or pressure, inability to wake up or have blue lips.
Symptomatology according to the WHO
It should be noted that according to World Health Organization (WHO) The most common symptoms of coronavirus are fever, cough, and tiredness. Meanwhile, other people suffer from shortness of breath, muscle aches and sore throat.
Furthermore, they indicate that a reduced number of patients suffer from diarrhea, nausea and nasal congestion.
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