The Cybercrime Brigade of the Investigative Police (PDI) investigates a complaint made to the East Prosecutor’s Office by the secretary general of the Chamber of Deputies, Miguel Landeros, this due to threats against the communist deputy Carmen Hertz.
According to La Tercera, various images have been sent to the cell phone of the congresswoman and also to her social networks, such as armed men, bodies shot from helicopters, funerals and coffins. Along with this, he has also received texts where he wishes that spread from Covid-19.
“The honorable deputy Carmen Hertz Cádiz, since the beginning of April, this year, has received countless death and torture threats, which were carried out through social networks, particularly Facebook and Twitter. These actions were accentuated on April 8 and 9, 2020, in which he received insistent and numerous hostile and threatening phone calls, late at night and early in the morning ”, relates the complaint made by Landeros and which reached the hands of the Ñuñoa chief prosecutor, Álvaro Pérez.
Although Hertz does not answer the calls, the threats have been left in the voicemail, so the recordings have been added to the complaint.
This is not all, since according to the accusation, the congresswoman has also received images of the former DINA agent, Michael Krassnoff, related to the execution of Hertz’s husband, Carlos Berger, during the dictatorship.
“The image of Krassnoff contains texts that refer to the torture and death of Don Carlos Berger Guralnik, who was executed in Calama on October 19, 1973, by the Caravan of Death. Another image, in which it appears Augusto Pinochet Smiling, the text ‘fusilao por weón’ (sic) is added, also in clear reference to Mr. Berger ”.
Given this, the bench of deputies of the Communist party It issued a statement expressing its solidarity with Hertz and rejected the threats against him, supporting actions that allow the authors of these events to be found.