Mayne-Nicholls and sport as an instrument of education and transformation: “It is a generator of life principles in society”


In the “We Win All” Foundation they support the foundational concept of being a social sports manager for Chile, considering sport as a transformation tool and a powerful educational instrument that encourages the learning of fundamental values. Strictly speaking, the high records of childhood obesity in our country guarantee the importance of the work carried out by the organization for almost a decade, backed by the career and prestige of leader Harold Mayne-Nicholls.

“Those figures are alarming and added to a recent study, they place Chile in second place in the world in sedentary lifestyle, and we are facing a situation that must be urgently faced,” emphasizes the former Chilean soccer president who brought coach Marcelo Bielsa and led the “Roja” to the World Cup in South Africa.

“Ganamos Todos” was born in 2011 and seeks to intervene communities through the practice of physical activity. At this stage it has already impacted almost 250,000 young people in more than 200 communes in the country and, now, the objective is to reach all of Chile.

In the midst of the pandemic, the brake on normal activity does not prevent work and the dissemination of sport values ​​from continuing within the limitations. “We are preparing to return to the normal situation and, for the moment, we do talks every Monday at 8:00 p.m. to address various relevant topics with the participation of interesting guests and specialists. This crisis will pass and we will be able to return to normalcy. We invite people to join us because we are convinced of the value of physical activity and sport as a generator of life principles in the community ”, explains Mayne Nicholls.

Hill Gentleness


Other pending goals are “to organize a national children’s Olympics with children up to 15 years old, with boys from all over the country. In these years we have always worked together with various municipalities that support because they understand the importance of the message, “he adds.

And he acknowledges that “in the talks carried out there has been interest and interaction from the people, even with the participation of people from the United States, Colombia, Argentina, Spain and other countries, and we hope that this will continue to develop through the digital platform.”

Her current work at Colo Colo does not prevent Mayne Nicholls from allocating another part of her time to this passion: “I have been making it compatible with my work at the club without problems … The sport and the values ​​it represents must be kept alive: effort, sacrifice, solidarity, responsibility, respect for the rival ”, he emphasizes.

Those interested in participating in the conferences, he says, can join through @funganamostodos. The FGT president’s commitment is “to share interest in showing that sport breaks down barriers and opens opportunities in life for children and young people”. A powerful example, among others, last year was the participation of the Sub 15 team from Colina in a tournament in Northern Ireland. A memorable experience for life …
