The lawyer of the Sifup, Alfonso Canales, referred to the complicated situation that the striker is going through Colo Colo, Nicolás Blandi, who, being a foreigner with few months working in Chile, could not avail himself of Employment Protection Law.
In conversation with The Mercury, the lawyer said that “insurance does not cover foreigners without sufficient contributions. And there you enter another contradiction, because if one says that Blandi does not enter the law and sees that Colo Colo has income, the club should not have a place in these regulations. Something’s wrong”.
“Because of COVID-19, FIFA recommended negotiating collective agreements between clubs and players. If Blandi goes to FIFA and says that they brought him to Chile, that the club accepted an internal law that he could not agree to, that the club did not pay him or offer him anything, Colo Colo having income, another problem may be generated “, he claimed.
Canales adds that “It is bad business for clubs not to negotiate and resort to the law. If they argue that they will not have border to pay one hundred percent of the salaries, when the training is authorized and the players return, the law automatically dies, the insurance will stop running and the club will have to pay one hundred percent of the remunerations “.