This Friday ended the winter break for schoolchildren, anticipated by the government as a result of the pandemic. A return that in principle would be face-to-face, but as a result of the sanitary conditions, it was modified by keeping virtual classes for this Monday. In this way, from the Mineduc they announced that the face-to-face tour would be gradual, starting during May and would be combining the face-to-face and virtual modality.
An opinion that a large part of the citizenry would reject according to the results of a survey applied by the Chilean Association of Municipalities (AChM) which indicates that 96.3% would not send their children to classes during the entire first semester of this year, 55.7% that perhaps would do so during the year, while 37.8% did not. would ship all over 2020.
“It is an instrument that allows you to have greater conviction about the decisions we have made,” said the regional president of the AChM and the mayor of Vicuña, Rafael Vera. He added that he understands that educational programs must be fulfilled, however he believes that other dates can be sought because “We have the conviction at this time that children cannot return to classes because that will effectively mean the possibility of contagion from them”.
On the other hand, the communal president of the La Serena Teachers College, Mario Sánchez, indicated that “this survey confirms what we have been asking for a long time as a union, it is laughable to pretend that people risk physical integrity, health of its people sending it to classes. The Government intends to ensure a certain normality that is not guaranteed for the people, does not exist, therefore this is reflected in the level of rejection of the Government’s measures on this matter. ”
For the leader, the educational system that exists in the country is considered by the supporters of the precincts as a consumer good and not a guaranteed right, so, in many cases, the supporters privileged their economic interests over the well-being of the community. educational.
“Education is a social service, which is why it places the person at the center, and in this sense, we are going to permanently reject going back to classes in conditions that are not adequate to guarantee the health of the people who are the students. , attorneys and the people who work there, ”added Sánchez.