The Investigative Police (PDI) arrested this Saturday two subjects who they tried to assault an elderly person outside the Quinta Normal Metro who had recently collected his pension.
The event occurred when the victim was approached on Matucana street by a man and a woman who they threatened her with a firearm and that they tried to steal the money from the pension that he had withdrawn minutes before.
At that time, PDI detectives who were passing by the place noticed the situation and Antisocials were arrested for the crime of robbery with intimidation.
Among the clothes of the criminals was the wallet of the affected person, the one with 348 thousand pesos that were the pension collected, and the weapon occupied to carry out the crime.
“They realized that a man and a woman with a firearm were assaulting an older adult, for which detectives got out of the vehicle and proceeded to arrest blatantly, for the crime of robbery with intimidation, these two subjects, “said the deputy prefect Luis Orellana, head of the Metropolitan Cybercrime Investigative Brigade.