Doctor Ramón Lobos.
04-25-2020 – 10:42

In the framework of the complex scenario that is being experienced in the country and the region in the face of the health emergency, the geriatrician, Ramón Lobos Vásquez, called on older adults to stay active and take care of their physical and mental health, even more so during quarantine.
“We are at a time when having high defenses is essential. And that is why staying physically and mentally active is very important, because that helps health to be stronger, and in older adults, who are the main risk group for Covid-19, it is essential to take care of the immune system by eating doing well and doing physical and mental exercises ”, explained the doctor.
Regarding food, he pointed out that in this confinement it must be ensured that the food is varied, with all the food groups and in the appropriate portions. In addition, do not abuse sugars, doughs and fries, that is, that the portions consumed are similar to the usual, so as not to make so many changes.
“You can innovate in the presentation and in the way you prepare. That it is varied allows all the essential nutrients to be there. It is also recommended to drink infused or natural water, depending on your preference, because hydration is always important. Skincare also requires concern, frequent bathing. And we must insist on hand washing, which must be constantly reinforced, before preparing food and also during its preparation, “said Lobos.
On the other hand, he indicated that there are videos on the Internet where older adults can access physical exercises for free and especially dedicated to their age group. “We know that there are many older adults who do not know how to use the technologies, but the call is for families or acquaintances to help them in this quarantine and send them links that can help them keep moving. It is not necessary for them to be great exercises, but sedentary lifestyle is not beneficial for their state of health, “said the specialist, adding that if you do not have access to the Internet, you can perform basic movements with your limbs and abdominals, to maintain strengthened the entire body and prevent muscle loss.
Finally, Lobos invited older adults to read, to carry out mental exercises, such as puzzles, crossword puzzles, or any activity that allows them to keep their minds active, since confinement and the lack of stimulation of the brain can cause deterioration to be greater. during this time. “We have to worry about physical and mental health, so that older adults can still come out stronger from this situation that surprised us all and in which we must find the best alternatives to avoid getting sick,” he said.