It is not new, because Facebook introduced it in 2019, but due to the coronavirus pandemic and the confinement to which many of us have been forced to protect ourselves from the disease, we are all getting the juice out of cell phone applications and social networks.
That is why this note seeks to teach you how to create your own stickers with a photograph with Facebook Avatar, which was born to compete with the Bitmoji of Snapchat.
And although the process is a bit complex, once you get it you can have fun responding to your friends with stickers featuring you.
How do you do it?
The first thing you should do is find the responses section of a Facebook post. And when that happens, avatars can be used without relying on third-party applications.
To start creating your stickers you must first update Facebook to the latest available version.
If you have already updated it or already had it updated, enter a message on the wall and press the option comment to enter the post and see the possible options.
You can do the above in any publication.
Now what you should do is press the icon smiley face which is to the right of the writing space. That is the icon to choose the emojis.
Once the emojis icon has been selected, a window will open to browse the ones that are already available. At that point you must select the one with the pink icon with a smiling face, this will allow you to use the avatars created through Eacebook.
Once this icon is pressed, the option appears create your avatar, the one that allows you to create your personalized face.
From there you enter a new screen that explains how it works and that will allow you to create personalized stickers.
In the first window you must press next and in the second the button start, to begin creation.
After selecting your characteristic features, skin color, eyes, hair, eyebrows and accessories, Facebook will show you the finished avatar. There will be a loading bar where you see how the creation process progresses.
Press the button following, which will take you to an informative screen, where pressing ready, you will have your stickers created to react to your publications and those of your friends.