Sebastián Mora
The Minister of Education, Raúl Figueroa, assured that the return to classes should be “gradually”, emphasizing that children and young people are not a risk group for the COVID-19 coronavirus, therefore “They are not at greater risk in vital terms.”
Through a videoconference with the Education Commission of the Chamber of Deputies, the minister assured that “The coronavirus affects children and young people to a much lesser extent. They are infected, it is true, but they have lower incidence rates. And those who are infected are not at greater risk in vital terms”.
According to the owner, this statement must be considered in consideration of the return to classrooms because “I constantly listen to dads and moms who feel that going back to school means putting their children at extreme risk. We know that is not sobecause children are not a risk factor for the virus. “
“Obviously they are contagious and measures must be taken so that they do not infect other people,” stressed the authority, reiterating that in this context re-entry “It must be gradually to make the different objectives compatible.”
Likewise, Figueroa emphasized that for the moment “there is no fixed date for the return to classes”.
The Minister of Health, Jaime Mañalich, assured that the process of back to school must be done “obviously as soon as possible, but with security and flexibility”, also putting on the table the conditions of each area regarding the number of infections to make the decision to return to face-to-face schools.
As detailed by the authority, it is the Ministry of Education in coordination with the mayors and supporters who will determine the dates and conditions of the process, but that the Ministry of Health provided criteria to execute the instance.
“We have to guarantee as a State that this process is gradual and safe”he added.
Regarding the need for the return to the classrooms to be as fast as possible, Mañalich stressed that “Every day it is more evident that strict quarantines and keeping vulnerable children at home have adverse effects, so it is something that must be put in the balance when making the decision”
Minister @jmanalich | Back to school
“I want to emphasize that this process must be done with security and flexibility and is coordinated with @Mineduc“
It works in conjunction with the Advisory Council # COVID_19 for the implementation of protocols, in addition to the holders and @Mineduc. pic.twitter.com/sUNJK9xjii
– Ministry of Health (@ministeriosalud) April 23, 2020
He added that it is necessary to consider in which commune each school is at the moment of determining if it returns to a “normality”, asserting that if a place has no cases, or its rate is very low, it is necessary to return to the precincts. Given this, he argued that “Keeping children at home without adequate food and increasing the educational margin seems to us to be something to watch very carefully.”
“There is a very fluid dialogue between supporters of municipal schools, between mayors and the Mineduc, I know that they will reach a good agreement on how to move forward in this process,” he said.
The Ministry of Health He gave a new balance of the situation in Chile for the coronavirus COVID-19, indicating that contagions rose to 11,812 after a growth of 516 new cases in the last 24 hours.
As reported by the Undersecretary of Public Health, Paula Daza, the number of deceased in the country rose to 168 after the confirmation of eight deaths, these seven being from the Metropolitan region and one from Los Lagos.
Subsec @pdazan | Daily report # COVID_19
▪️ 516 new cases
▪️ 11,812 total cases
▪️ 5,804 recovered
▪️ 8 people deceased (168 in total)At 9:00 p.m. from yesterday. pic.twitter.com/XBMtGxpzVm
– Ministry of Health (@ministeriosalud) April 23, 2020
Daza also reported that, to date, 49% of patients infected with the disease. equivalent to 5,804 people, managed to recover from it.
“This means that they are in a stage that they are not capable of transmitting or being infected”he added.
Jaime Mañalich, minister of the portfolio, stated that during the morning, Chile represented America in a meeting held with the World Health Organization, where among other concepts the implementation of the “new normal” regarding the pandemic.
Minister of Health for “new normality:” This concept was coined by the WHO to try to make it understandable that the new stage after peak is a situation not of a complete return to normality, but to the maintenance of vigilance and testing. ” # 24Play https://t.co/mi3yDUaS2F pic.twitter.com/ooBlTESmRK
– 24 Hours (@ 24HorasTVN) April 23, 2020
Likewise, the holder maintained that “The WHO also sees the need to start a new economy worldwide as a result of the consequences of the disease.”
Arturo Zúñiga, Undersecretary of Assistance Networks, supplemented the balance indicating that 411 people are hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit throughout Chile.