The regional authorities reported in a new regional balance sheet the death of six people due to covi-19, two of them from La Serena and four from Coquimbo.
In relation to new cases, 221 new cases of Covid were reported, which are broken down as follows: 43 from La Serena, 48 from Coquimbo, 03 from Andacollo, 03 from La Higuera, 04 from Paihuano, 15 from Vicuña, 10 from Illapel, 04 from Canela, 06 from Los Vilos, 08 from Salamanca, 40 from Ovalle, 02 from Combarbalá, 15 from Monte Patria, 08 from Punitaqui, 04 from Río Hurtado, 04 from other regions and 04 without notification in the Epivigila System , reaching a total of 27,581 accumulated cases, with 1,312 active infections.
The health authority also reiterated the importance of continuing with preventive measures, even inside our homes. “Let’s avoid social and family gatherings with people outside the home. Let us stay at home, live a Holy Week of recollection, and only go out when strictly necessary, making good use of individual travel permits ”, stated the Alejandro García Health Seremi.
For his part, the director of the Coquimbo Health Service, Edgardo González, referred to the number of patients hospitalized as a result of the virus. As of today, the Coquimbo Region Assistance Network has 235 people hospitalized for Covid. Of these, 102 are using an ICU bed and 89 remain seriously ill and require mechanical ventilation.
Regarding the number of beds available, the Health Service authority reported that there are currently 347 available throughout the network. “Regarding the detail of beds in the Critical Patient Units, today we have 13, of which 7 correspond to ICU beds and 6 to ICU beds,” he explained.
Also read: For the second consecutive day, more than 8,000 new infections are reported