The communicator Marcela vacarezza has been the target of criticism after publishing photographs of a trip to the Dominican Republic in the middle of the covid-19 pandemic. After the dozens of comments, he decided to issue a statement with which, he said, he wanted people to learn “not to comment on everyone already crazy.”
At least four recent images, posted on her Instagram account, give an account of the pleasure trip of the psychologist, married more than 20 years ago to the animator Rafael Araneda. In them you can see women in the Caribbean country.
The criticisms, which were largely blocked, pointed to an “irresponsibility” for undertaking the journey at a time when the pandemic has claimed more than 23 thousand lives in Chile and with nearly one million cases accumulated in the country since the arrival of the virus to national territory.
However, through his Instagram Stories Vacarezza clarified that the trip began from Miami, in the United States.
“I did not travel from Chile (I would not now). I did it round trip from Miami, complying with the rules of each country (…) I will not contaminate them or carry new strains“, He exposed.
Then he explained that “each country has its reality” and its own rules to avoid contagion. “While some have the possibility of having a better time, others do not, like Chile today,” he said.
The communicator asserted that her eldest daughter and a large part of her family are in Chile, so she keeps abreast of the situation of the pandemic in the country. “I am not making fun of it, it is not a lack of empathy”, he insisted, adding that the behavior of the virus has behaved like a “seesaw”.
Meanwhile, regarding the criticism, he reported that “several were blocked because they are boring.” “Don’t tell me how to take care of myself or my family. Take care of yourself and take care of yourself ”, Hill.
Although travel is allowed, the Dominican Republic, according to data from Johns Hopkins University, has registered more than 252 thousand accumulated positives of covid-19. In the United States, the figure exceeds 30 million and in the world 128 million accumulated cases.