“The regiment, after compiling the necessary information, established that the soldiers and the class violated the health provisions of COVID-19, as well as committed serious offenses to the discipline of the Armed Forces”, he stressed.
Likewise, the military authority emphasized that it was decided “separate them from their duties” despite this “it does not exempt them from the criminal responsibility decreed by the courts of justice “.
The Army condemned this type of situation, asserting that it did not correspond to the actions of representatives of the Armed Forces.
Commander Provis, of the Angol 3 Hussars Cavalry Regiment
“We strongly reject these types of events. They move away from the conduct that should govern a military and tarnish the effort that the Army troops have shown for more than a year to combat the pandemic,” he said.
On the case, the undersecretary of the Interior, Juan Francisco Galli, said he did not know any further antecedents, but stressed that sanitary measures must be respected “for all”.
“There is no difference in the rules, because they are becoming more and more restrictive for people”Galli said.
He remarked that “we are in a situation where citizens are required to understand that we must take care of each other.”
“No one can evade these rules”, stressed the undersecretary.