“We must be very firm, very clear, very categorical, and go out and hit the government with everything.” In those terms, the president of the Christian Democracy, Fuad Chahín, pointed out against La Moneda in an audio shared through a WhatsApp group that was widely disseminated on Saturday.
In particular, he expressed his rejection of the idea that appears and worries the entire political spectrum: the imminent suspension of the elections of April 10 and 11, where – until now – constituents, governors, mayors and councilors are elected.
The idea began to gain more force on Saturday, when the Covid-19 Advisory Council unanimously recommended postponing the elections due to the serious health situation. And while, in public, the majority have been open to abiding by what the experts recommend, it is clear that internally they are concerned about the complexities that a postponement would cause.
“The Minister of Health just called me, after I had spoken in the morning with the Minister General Secretary of the Presidency, (Juan José Ossa, where he) told me that they had no intention of suspending the elections, that they were against it. The Minister of Health just called me to inform me that the Advisory Council had approved requesting the postponement and that the decision now has to be made by the President of the Republic. And I honestly went hard “, warns the DC helmsman at the beginning of his controversial audio, which was accessed by Radio Bío Bío.
Immediately afterwards, he accused motivations beyond the strictly sanitary: “I told him that here, in my opinion, what the government was doing was sabotaging the constitutional process. That the enormous amount of legal problems that is going to be generated is so much, because what are we going to do? Are we going to extend the campaign, are we going to suspend the campaign, are we going to have to remove the signs that are there, put up the signs? What happens with all the propaganda, with all the expenses that were made, with credits against the return of the Servel? What will happen to that? Because the deadlines are extended. What is a certain deadline to hold the elections? What about mayors who are suspended? Well, what about election expenses? Will electoral expenses continue to be made? None of those things is resolved, none of all the gigantic legal aspects, “he said.
“In addition, it will be done in winter, where in mountain communes we will be… here in the region of La Araucanía, in Lonquimay, in May we will have a meter and a half of snow. So honestly, what they’re doing here is sabotaging the constituent process. And that is what I told (the Minister of Health): that the government, by not taking the appropriate measures, caused this peak of the second wave to arrive just at the time of the elections to sabotage the constituent process. And the government must be held responsible for not taking measures to the extreme of sabotaging the constituent process, ”Chahín continued.
“I think this is for a constitutional prosecution. Really. In other words, a minister who, deep down, what he does is let go, delays any measure, and when they come two weeks before the election, then he recommends suspending it. This is going to affect the legitimacy of the most important electoral process of the last 30 years in Chile! ”, He assured.
However, the measure has not yet been taken and this Monday the idea will begin to be debated in the Chamber of Deputies, at a joint session of the Internal Government Commission and that of the Constitution, where Paris himself will attend; the president of Colmed, Izkia Siches; and the head of the Electoral Service.
DC fights back
After knowing Chahín’s opinion, the DC issued a statement saying that “it will always support any measure that protects the life and health of people, as well as those that achieve control of the covid pandemic, and guarantee an adequate response and timely health system; the one that is currently at the limit due to the explosion of new infections ”.
However, they insisted on the background of the criticism of the party’s helmsman: “We believe that it is relevant to insist on the responsibility that the government itself has in the lack of control of this pandemic. Due to their own negligence, they did not take the measures in a timely manner and on time, which is reflected today. Minister Enrique Paris had projections on massive infections well in advance and, even so – despite the voices of experts who warned of the risk over and over again – he authorized and put into operation the vacation permit. In fact, once granted, increases in infections were verified in the most visited communes, and once the vacation period was over, in Santiago itself. This is even more serious, if we take into account that the person responsible for the elections to be held on the date and in the manner stipulated is the Executive itself. We are waiting to know how the Government will remedy the effects of such negligence, ”they emphasize.
In this context, they called on the Government to form a political and technical committee on health in the short term, where health specialists, political parties, civil society organizations and themselves are represented. And that said instance is the one that resolves the origin of the suspension of the elections and other modifications. In addition, they asked to evaluate innovative and safe proposals to carry out the elections.