This Friday they have released the first trailer of The Suicide Squad, the new sequel / reboot of the famous DC Comics villain team that is led by the director James Gunn, known for the films of the Guardians of the Galaxy by marvel.
So far, short video previews have been revealed, but not a trailer as such.
This comes at a controversial time for WarnerMedia since, following the launch of the Zack Snyder’s Justice League, fans are claiming that restore the DC Extended Universe (DCEU, for its acronym in English), as it was known until 2017.
In addition, The fans are asking that they allow the director of the first film of the Suicide Squad, David Ayer, finish your original version of the film. And, as happened to Zack Snyder, the study intervened and drastically changed history.
Unfortunately, Ayer’s version will not be released for now because Warner publicly ruled it out this week.
Let us remember that after the League of Justice Joss Whedon’s failure in theaters and was highly criticized, Warner and DC Comics decided to cancel the DCEU that Snyder had created and change course completely, leaving incomplete the original story that was developing since Man of steel (2013).
The trailer begins with the new Suicide Squad going to rescue Harley Quinn … only to find that she escaped on her own. Then we see them go on a dangerous new mission.
It also includes a joke with Harley Quinn very contingent on the coronavirus pandemic. You can see the trailer below, it’s been classified as suitable for ages 17 and over.