The Homicide Brigade of the Concepción Investigative Police investigates the death of a 53-year-old man who died inside one of the cells from the seventh police station of the Chiguayante Carabineros, this Tuesday afternoon.
The first antecedents show that the man who arrived there detained for the alleged crime of contempt, after having called his defense lawyer to coordinate his detention control, he collapsed into the cell.
The Subprefect Jorge Alvarado, head of the Homicide Brigade of the PDI Penquista, stated that “this person, moments before, was detained in the seventh police station of the Chiguayante Carabineros, who was later transferred to this healthcare center where his death is confirmed “.
“Upon external police examination of the corpse, this does not present injuries attributable to third parties, and regarding the precise causes of his death, these will be determined by the Concepción Medical Legal Service, “he closed.