Patricia Muñoz continues as a defender of Children: Suprema refused to remove her


The Supreme Court rejected the request for removal of the head of the Children’s Ombudsman, Patricia Muñoz, an action presented last December by a group of official deputies from Chile Vamos, due to the dissemination of the video “to jump the turnstiles.”

This day the plenary session of the highest court held the audience to analyze the background of the request to dismiss the defender, which was accepted for processing on December 29, in addition to hearing the arguments of the parties, such as Muñoz’s lawyer, Luis Cordero and, on behalf of the petitioners, the lawyer Federico Iglesias.

Before the decision of the Supreme Court, Patricia Muñoz pointed out through her social networks that “I face this decision with serenity, evaluating the possibility of continuing to defend human rights of the children and adolescents who live in Chile! “.

The action was presented by the deputies Alvaro Carter (ex UDI) and the RN Miguel Mellado, Camila Flores and Tomás Fuentes, who said -after the ruling was known- that “the defense of Patricia Muñoz argued that it would be a video aimed mainly at adolescents and not for children, what gives us the reason and admits that he made a mistake. “

“Regardless of this, the Supreme Court considered that she can continue to command the institution and, although we believe that she is a danger, we have the peace of mind that she knows that a red light ran for political proselytizing, but he will not be able to do it a second time, “added Fuentes.

For his part, the lawyer Federico Iglesias indicated that “we respect the decision of the Supreme CourtWe will have to wait for the content of the ruling, however, what was always behind this was to ensure the well-being of children and adolescents in Chile and we will continue to fight for the same cause. “

The video to which he alludes is one that Muñoz published through his social networks last November, with the song “The call of nature”, where he refers to jumping the turnstiles, which started – at the time – the social outbreak of October 18, 2019.


In contrast, the independent deputy Natalia Castillo placeholder image, a member of the Family Commission of the Lower House, defended the work of the defender, they indicated that “has played a fundamental role in the defense of human rights of boys, girls and adolescents of our country “.

And he stressed that “that bothers the UDI a lot, it bothers him a lot that the defender is capable of -even- stand up to the government when it has seen children’s rights threatened and that is why today they are trying to find this excuse to dismiss her. I think that this maneuver should not be successful, I hope that the defender will be confirmed in her position. ”
