This Friday Mega premiered Got Talent Chile, a space that is being recorded in the midst of a pandemic and under strict security measures.

In fact, the channel took sanitary regulations so seriously that even in the middle of the program they they show clips of their cheerleaders or jurors taking a PCR test.

Despite this, a spontaneous gesture of Luis Gnecco with Carolina Arregui, both judges of the space, made that the production should add a clarification on screen.

“Our jury recorded the program with Negative PCR a day”, it was read while the images appeared.


The actor got up from his seat to kiss his colleague on the cheek, after she evaluated the emotional performance of a Haitian singer, who made her cry with emotion.

Despite the security measures of the space, on Twitter some users questioned that Karla Constant and María José Quintanilla they were without masks while conversing with the participants.

The explanation for this is that both they and the contestants are also PCR negative per day and their exchange is only a few minutes.

It should be noted that unlike the original format and due to the pandemic, the space is being recorded without an audience.