More than 30 host families evicted in Viña del Mar: mostly foreigners | National


More of 30 Families, mostly foreigners, were evicted from a building that served as lodging in the center of Viña del Mar.

They woke up with a knock on the door and a shout that told them that they should take out their things, this was the awakening of more than 50 foreigners, including many children, who were literally left in the street, due to a court order issued from the Viñamarino Court , after a lawsuit filed by the owners of the property, for the non-payment of the property’s rent.

In a matter of seconds, the building was full of police who arrived with the water launcher car, gas launcher, a bus and a couple of mobile cars. In addition, the troops completely suspended traffic on Valparaíso and Traslaviña streets, the intersection where the New Asturias Hotel is located.

After this and together with the information provided by the judicial receiver, families began to take out their things and to leave them on the sidewalks of the center of the garden city. In conversation with La Radio a group of foreigners told about their situation.

In the middle of the eviction, it became clear that the place also served as a warehouse for the itinerant merchants of the center of Viña del Mar. Those who arrived with vehicles to remove boxes and bags with merchandise, a fact that was confirmed by the Major of the Carabineros Jorge Olea, who gave more details of the operation.

The future of foreigners is not yet known, from the Municipality of Viña del Mar, They indicated that they are trying to obtain more information about the event, as well as the Seremi of Social Development, who indicated that they are collecting information. While from the Provincial Government of Valparaíso, they indicated that since it is a judicial order, they are not intervening in the eviction process.

Ignacio Caballero (RBB)
Ignacio Caballero (RBB)
