Criminals are beaten after citizen detention in Ñuñoa: vehicle stolen in San Bernardo | National


Three criminals were captured and beaten by neighbors in Ñuñoa on Wednesday night, after carrying out various thefts of species from inside vehicles and violently stealing a truck in San Bernardo, on Tuesday afternoon.

Neighbors detained the individuals, after they tried to flee when they collided with a central bandejón on Grecia Avenue, after which they wanted to start on foot, however, the “Citizen detention”.

Subsequently, and in the middle of the retention of the neighbors, they received various attacks, including several kicks, to later be handed over to the Carabineros.

Passersby at the scene demanded a delay by the Carabineros in carrying out the procedure and presence of a weapon in possession of the criminals, which was not confirmed by the uniformed institution.

As reported by the captain Oscar Sepúlveda, of the 19 Providencia Police Station, they are two adults with criminal records, and a minor.

“In the afternoon, around 7:00 p.m., they allegedly stole a vehicle in San Bernardo, then they move to Ñuñoa, which are intimidated by the same neighbors, as they are caught stealing species of vehicles, which are they were in the sector ”, said the officer.

“Upon being surprised, they flee and collide with the containment barrier of the central bandejón of this main avenue (Greece), being detained by the neighbors and later handed over to the Carabineros, who take them detained to the 33 Police Station of Ñuñoa” added the policeman.

Regarding the victim of the theft of the vehicle in San Bernardo, who had been attacked with a pistol, the officer said that “he has injuries and is making the corresponding complaint”.

Regarding the aggression suffered by the criminals, Sepúlveda said that “this is the subject of an investigation, which is being reported to the Prosecutor’s Office. But they were handed over to the Carabineros, by the same neighbors ”.

The captain of the Carabineros explained that the detainees will be charged, by the Prosecutor’s Office, with the crime of robbery with violence, for the crime committed in San Bernardo, and also for the series of criminal actions in Ñuñoa.

Jaime Sepúlveda (RBB)
