President Sebastian Piñera announced this Friday that in Chile more than 4 million people have already been vaccinated since the beginning of the inoculation process, which has prioritized older adults, essential state workers, health and education officials, among other groups.

“Today we exceed 4 million people vaccinated.
We will continue to work tirelessly to protect the health and life of all. This great achievement is everyone’s credit, but the pandemic is not over. We must continue to take care of each other, ”Piñera tweeted.

The Ministry of Health indicated that 276,990 people were vaccinated during the day this Friday, until 5:00 p.m., of which 127,143 received the first dose and 149,837 the second.

In this way, 4,035,812 people have been inoculated since the beginning of the process, of which 535,600 have received the two doses that correspond to them per vaccine.

For his part, the Minister of Health, Enrique Paris, highlighted Chile as one of the world leaders in the mass vaccination process after the covid-19 pandemic.

“Chile has a privileged location. It is a pride to show this table, because it is thanks to the effort of the primary care staff, dand hospitals and the people who are going to get vaccinated ”, he commented.