Carabineros reports a “minor wave train” in Rapa Nui and indicates that there is preliminary information on consequences on the island’s coasts.


Carabineros reported that a minor wave train was seen in Rapa Nui after the “tsunami threat” generated by the 8.1 earthquake in New Zealand, which generated a state of Precaution for the coasts of Chile.

The uniformed police explained that preliminarily the phenomenon had no consequences on the island’s coasts or on the different boats in the existing coves. It was also reported that no damage or affected people have been reported.

According to the institution’s reports, on Easter Island a drop in sea level from 20 to 30 centimeters Gradually from 9:30 p.m., in Rapa Nui time.

Carabineros personnel toured the coastal edge of Easter Island calling to leave the area due to the threat of a minor tsunami after the earthquake, which keeps the entire coastline of the country with a red alert.

Major Pablo Salazar, from the Sixth Police Station of Easter Island, explained that uniformed personnel “It is carrying out preventive services throughout the coastline in order to inform citizens about the tsunami alert on all Chilean coasts.”

“We ask everyone to stay in their homes, attentive to any situation, and inform themselves through direct channels, be it Carabineros de Chile, Armada or Firemen,” he said.

According to what was reported during the afternoon by the National Tsunami Alarm System (Snam) of the Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service of the Navy, and ratified at night, the arrival of this minor tsunami was expected at 23:03 this Thursday. on the island. (01.03 of Friday, March 5 in continental time).
