A tragic accident was the one that occurred in the community of Monte Caseros, located in the Argentine city of Corrientes after Juan Jose Kuhnle, a 39-year-old math teacher and vice principal of a school, died after colliding with a car.
However, the driver of the vehicle was not a stranger, but rather his father, Hugo Kuhnle, who impacted his son on Tuesday when he was returning home from work for lunch.
According to slogan TENNESSEE, After the impact, the man got out of the car to assist the victim and was at that moment when he discovered that it was his own son.
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Juan José Kuhnle was transferred to the Corrientes sanatorium and, despite medical efforts, he lost his life during the afternoon of the same day due to the severity of the injuries.
The victim had been working for 16 years at the “República de Venezuela” agro-technical school, the same place where he finished his studies and where his parents had also been teachers.