Through his personal Twitter account, the President of the Republic, Sebastian Piñeraannounced the arrival of 4 million doses of the vaccine against covid-19 from China.
“This Thursday and Friday, about 4 million vaccines will arrive from China to our country, which will allow us to continue with the #YoMeVacuno plan to protect all citizens. Let’s respect prioritization. Everyone will have the opportunity to be vaccinated, ”wrote the President.
According to information collected by Radio Bío BíoThese are vaccines from the Sinovac laboratory, one of those that committed the most doses for our country.
Chile has been one of the countries in the region that mThe most progress made in its vaccination plan against the new coronavirus, comfortably exceeding the 3 million doses applied in just over 3 weeks.
The above thanks to the agreements signed by the Government with different laboratories at the beginning of the pandemic, a fact that has been highlighted internationally.
According to the latest reports, more than 70% of older adults (considered a risk group) has been vaccinated in our country. This week, in addition, the inoculation of education personnel began regarding the start of the face-to-face classes scheduled for March.
In the next weeks the vaccination of the chronically ill will continue, and then continue with the rest of the population under 60 years of age and with the application of the second doses in the corresponding cases.