A fire broke out in a three-story house in San Miguel, in the Metropolitan region, on Tuesday night. The second and third floors of it were consumed.

At least five cars were moved to the streets of Santa Fe with Chiloé to control the flames, a total of 60 firefighters attended.

According to the mayor of the commune, apparently in the house there was a irregular factory, a situation that will be audited this Wednesday.

“The owner of the house was on vacation, it seems that his daughter was just who is blind, probably accompanied by a relative,” he explained and assured that as a municipality they will see if the neighbors need help.

Regarding the alleged factory, the commander of the Southern Metropolitan Fire Department, Pedro Flores, indicated that this is not the case: “There is storage of chemical product materials, which we are doing a survey of what type of products are and are not affected by fire.”

Similarly, he confirmed that 2 firefighters and a civilian were injured product of the situation and all were treated by health personnel.

It should be noted that the origin of the incident is not yet known and during the night the flames were controlled.