President of Argentina criticizes “public derision” for VIP vaccination | International


The president of Argentina, Alberto Fernández, criticized this Sunday that a “Media scene of public derision” after last Friday it became known that several figures close to power had a privileged access to vaccination against covid-19, which cost Ginés González García his position as Minister of Health.

In the social network Twitter, the president acknowledged that “it is public and notorious” that he has had to make a decision before a “Reprehensible fact”, in reference to his request to resign from the minister.

“What happened in the Ministry of Health was a fact that, although exceptional, cannot be endorsed,” he said.

“This is so even when the vaccinated were in objective conditions (due to age or physical conditions) to receive them,” he added.

Vaccines without respecting the line

The scandal broke out on Friday, when journalist Horacio Vertvisky, 79, said on a radio that he was vaccinated at the headquarters of the Ministry of Health, and not in a hospital, thanks to his friendship with González García.

After learning about this case, other cases emerged through the press, including politicians, trade unionists and businessmen who were vaccinated without respecting the protocol that is followed for the general population.

This occurs in a context in which the country is vaccinating the population at a slower rate than initially planned, since so far fewer doses have been received than those agreed for January and February according to the purchase contract of the Sputnik-V signed with Russia.

It was last Thursday when the province of Buenos Aires began to vaccinate older adults, with a shift that must be managed online, after a month and a half in which vaccination was focused only on health personnel.

“Public scorn”

After the strong political controversy unleashed throughout the weekend, and just 24 hours after Carla Vizzotti, until now secretary of Access to Health, was sworn in as the new minister of the field, Fernández was critical through the networks social.

“I cannot help but observe that on These people have set up a media scene of public derision and I do not want to endorse with my silence such a procedure“Said the head of state.

As he remarked, he keeps a “sincere gratitude” for the former minister, since in his opinion he has been a “fundamental person so that the pandemic does not rage on Argentines.”

“He has been able to stand up a broken health system and give each Argentine the pertinent attention when the virus made him a victim,” he stressed, and revealed that has entrusted Vizzotti to protocolize “to the maximum” the supply and application of vaccines “considering the situation of the people exposed by the work they do.”

“We must work to prevent these situations from happening again,” he declared, to underline that in Argentina “more than 700,000 people have received doses of the vaccine” and “more than 400,000 have already received both doses.”

Convinced that the vaccination rhythm begins to accelerate with the arrival of more vials – up to now 1.22 million doses of Sputnik-V have arrived, 580,000 of that of the Serum Institute of India and this week one million of the developed for Sinopharm in China-, the president remarked that it is the purpose of his Government to ensure that the acquired vaccines “arrive in time and form as soon as possible to supply them to each inhabitant.”


While the Justice is already processing several complaints that seek to clarify the events that occurred in the Ministry of Health, The opposition demands that the Executive give explanations to Parliament about what happened and present the inventory of vaccines and the registry of all vaccinated people.

The main opposition coalition, Together for Change, yesterday described what happened as “An absolute immorality” and a “corruption scandal” and also demanded that “those illegally vaccinated be held accountable to Justice for this crime.”

In this sense, former President Mauricio Macri (2015-2019), who is a member of that front, showed on Twitter today his “rejection” because the Government, from the Ministry of Health, “has facilitated VIP vaccination for friends and supporters.”

“I share the outrage of Argentines against those who decided to put themselves ahead of so many other risky people”, said the conservative politician, who wanted to demonstrate “in the face of repeated inquiries” about whether he has been vaccinated.

“I want to clarify that I did not give myself any vaccine against the coronavirus and I am not going to do it until the last of the Argentine at risk and essential workers has received it,” he said.
