PDI investigates femicide in Viña del Mar: 19-year-old girl was shot


The Homicide Brigade of the PDI of Valparaíso investigates a femicide that occurred this Saturday in the Achupallas sector, in Viña del Mar.

The remains of the victim, identified as 19-year-old Kimberly, were found at her home, where she died after receiving shot in the thoracic area from your partner, based on preliminary information.

That was one of several ballistic impacts found on his body, and attributed to a modified blank pistol that Carabineros found in the place.

The deputy commissioner Victor Yáñez of the BH explained that “when the criminal doctor examined her, it was observed that she presented ballistic wounds at the level of his upper extremities and in his thoracic region, which caused his death at the scene. “

After analyzing the place and the “registration of witnesses, it could be reliably established that the material perpetrator corresponds to the victim’s partner,” according to the detective.

The suspect in this crime, a 31-year-old man, was arrested by the PDI during the afternoon and will go to detention control at the Viña del Mar Guarantee Court tomorrow Sunday.

The civil police also stated that the woman was not protected by any precautionary measure.

The prosecutor Maria Alejandra Aravena valued that “by virtue of these antecedents, a warrant of arrest was requested from the Court of Guarantee, as well as authorization for other intrusive proceedings, in order to search for evidence in relation to this femicide, and this was successful” when the arrest of the accused.


For its part, the seremi of Women, Valentina stagno, stated that this fact “mourns us as a region”, and stated that “together with solidarity with the deep pain of the family and neighbors of the sector, as the Ministry of Women and Gender Equality we reject and condemn with great force this despicable and despicable femicide.”

The authority added that this crime “cannot go unpunished, and we hope that the maximum rigor of the law will be applied” during the judicial process that begins tomorrow.

The regional lawyer of the Ministry has already contacted the victim’s family to make legal representation available in the case, and coordinate psychosocial support to the family group, if so determined and arranged, “he anticipated.
