Eighteen communes advance and 11 regress in the “Step by Step” plan


The Ministry of Health announced new changes in the plan “Step by Step”, thanks to which, within the next few days, 18 communes lighten and 11 tighten their current level of confinement.

The Undersecretary of Assistance Networks, Alberto Dougnac, detailed that, from Monday, February 22, at 05:00 in the morning, advance from “Preparation” to “Initial opening” (Phase 4), the communes of Peñaflor Y Talagante, belonging to the Metropolitan Region.

From the same day and time, they advance from “Transition” (Phase 2) to “Preparation” (Step 3):

  • Metropolitan region: Hill
  • Atacama region: Vallenar
  • Valparaíso Region: White House
  • O’Higgins Region: San Fernando and Pumanque
  • Maule Region: sacred Family
  • Biobío region: Saint juana

They advance on Monday, from “Quarantine” to “Transition” (Phase 2):

  • Maule Region: Talca
  • Biobío region: Curanilahue, Arauco and Lebu
  • River region: The Union
  • Los Lagos Region: Llanquihue, Frutillar, Purranque and Chonchi


As for the setbacks, the entry to “Quarantine”, from Saturday, of:

  • O’Higgins Region: Rengo
  • Bio bio region: The Angels
  • Araucania region: Lumaco

Meanwhile, they recede to “Transition”:

  • Metropolitan region: Father Hurtado and San José de Maipo
  • Coquimbo region: Leg
  • Valparaíso Region: Catemu, San Antonio and Quintero
  • Araucania region: Freire

Finally, go back on Saturday to “Preparation” (Phase 3), the commune of Saint Peter, in the Metropolitan Region:


In the report of this day it was reported, in addition to 139 new fatalities derived from the Covid-19 epidemic, bringing the total to 19,798.

The new confirmed infections are 3,866, to reach a total of 788 thousand 142 since the beginning of the pandemic.
