Reference photo – ATON
In social networks a criticism of CAT Master, cat food that was causing harm to different pets according to some users, where they even claimed that they had “the green stomach“.
After these complaints the Agricultural and Livestock Service of Chile launched an investigation. “Faced with versions that circulate in networks for cat food that would be causing damage to their health, SAG is already collecting information and has initiated a corresponding investigation“, they pointed out in their count of Twitter.
From the agency they indicated that “those affected can send their formal complaint and background“to an official email from the institution, while some other users recommended putting pressure on the Sernac.
From Master Cat they assured that they test “regularly all the nutrients of their products and to date all our analyzes are within the norm, certified by Southey Consultants and in line with the European standard LESS“.
Similarly, they indicated that they are “collected all the antecedents and analysis of the case. To date we had no record of comments on this product and today we have received consumer concerns regarding some batches of the Master Cat food variety kitten“, since” our main concern is the welfare of pets. “
The SAG initiated research on cat food that harms pets:
Before versions that circulate in networks for cat food that would be causing damage to their health, @sagchile it is already collecting information and has initiated a corresponding investigation. Those affected can send a formal complaint and background information to [email protected] pic.twitter.com/8aFSNCKUcE
– SAG (@sagchile) February 4, 2021
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