The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights declared admissible a request for additional security measures for peasants from Collipulli, who accompanied Pedro Cabrera at the time of his death, who was murdered by hooded men in October last year.

The foregoing after what happened in October last year, inside the Agua Buena Farm, where the agricultural worker was shot by unknown persons and later died.

Specifically, the request sent to the international human rights organization includes the provision of measures that protect the safety of other workers, a requirement that was declared admissible, according to the complainant lawyer. Christian Berndt.

With the entry to processing of this application, forces the Chilean State -Through the Ministry of Foreign Relations- to clarify the current situation of the workers who accompanied Pedro Cabrera when he was assassinated.

Regarding this, the lawyer representing them said he hoped the government would acquiesce to what was resolved by the Commission, which is unprecedented at the national level.