Appeal against Piñera and other authorities for their responsibility in the migration crisis | National


The mayor of Iquique, Mauricio Jorge Soria, filed a protection appeal against the Government and regional authorities, for their alleged responsibility in the immigration situation facing the city.

Soria filed an appeal for protection before the Court of Appeals against the resident of the Republic, Sebastián Piñera; the Minister of the Interior, Rodrigo Delgado; the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Andrés Allamand and the Mayor of Tarapacá, Miguel Ángel Quezada.

The action seeks that the authorities adopt all the necessary measures to control the border, contain the massive irregular entry of foreign citizens,
those who have already entered Chile are monitored, in addition to creating a refuge for them given the humanitarian crisis that is deepening in the streets and public spaces of Iquique.

“I insisted on repeated opportunities, through official and ordinary offices, to different national authorities to take charge of the complex migratory situation that Tarapacá is experiencing. I even tried to raise the issue with President Piñera in the meeting he held with various mayors in the country and, again, we were not heard, “said Soria.

The Iquiqueño communal chief added that “Foreign Minister Allamand speaks of international gangs and human trafficking, but what is here is one of the largest migration processes in the world, at present ”.

Soria insisted that the Government must recognize that we are in the presence of a migratory phenomenon of great proportions and it must be addressed as such.

“This has also led to the violation of the rights of these migrants, since we are talking about entire families, children and the elderly who roam the highlands and pampas and then become” trapped “in our territories without being able to continue on their way to their final destinations, having to settle in squares, parks and the coastline ”, he declared.
