Only 18% of those who did NOT meet the requirements returned a “Middle Class Bonus” of $ 500 thousand | National


He Internal Revenue Service (SII) completed the stage of verification of requirements to access the Tax Contribution to the Middle Class, in which 71,901 dependent workers returned the benefit, which is equivalent to $ 34,008,756,500.

In addition, 34,204 people presented records until November 30, 2020. Of these, it was determined that 18,054 did not meet the requirements, of which 4,268 have already returned.

In total, only 18% of those who had to return the bonus for not complying with the requirements, specified it within the established deadlines.

On the other hand, 16,150 workers confirmed that they did meet the requirements to access the bonus, mainly due to July 2020 medical leave not registered by the Superintendency of Health. It was also verified that there were incentives paid in July, worse than they corresponded to other months.

With this, it was determined that the requirement of a drop of at least 30% in their July taxable income was met.

In this way, those who maintain pending situations are 349,652 people, who must restore the amounts received with the application of readjustments, interest and corresponding penalties.

Source: SII

With this, this first stage of facilitation is completed, in which the SII gave workers the possibility of restore without penalties, interest or readjustments, or provide the background information that would demonstrate that they actually met the requirements established by law.

This process began when, in compliance with current regulations, the SII carried out an analysis to verify compliance with the requirements to access the Tax Contribution for the Middle Class, which showed that according to the information available in the Superintendencies of Social Security and Pensions, BancoEstado, AFC and General Treasury of the Republic, among other institutions, 437,703 dependent workers registered differences between the amount that they self-declared as taxable salary for July 2020, when requesting the bonus, and the calculation made from their mandatory pension contributions or what was actually received, not complying with the requirement legal to have a decrease of 30% or more in their salaries for that month, with respect to the average total income of 2019.
