This morning, Mayor Joaquín Lavín revealed a controversial situation that occurred in Las Condes, when Carabineros detained seven people for an illegal party in the context of the pandemic. One of the surprising situations in the case was the epithets they told a journalist from 24 hours.
“Shut up, huev … Progre cul … Progre de mie” and “Starving journalist!” were the words of two of the detainees to the reporter named Rodrigo Pérez, while they were being taken to the police vehicle.
The situation was analyzed this afternoon in the program Hola Chile de La Red, in which the journalist Julia Vial repudiated the actions of the young people and the sayings they expressed against the communicator.
“When one said ‘we have not understood anything’. Here we see cases and examples of people who clearly have not understood anything. ‘I don’t want them to record me’, ‘have morals’, ‘starving journalist’, ‘progressive’. This has nothing to do with the fact that you are liberal, you are not progressive, if you are ‘facho’ or ‘comunacho’. It does not matter. This pandemic reaches us all, “he said.
And we continue … 7 women and 5 men, all of legal age, arrested for a clandestine party on Arquería Street. I arrive @Carabdechile @LC_security by complaint of annoying noise. 4 hid in the tub! His aggressiveness is also regrettable. pic.twitter.com/uhxlyPVWZJ
– Joaquín Lavín (@LavinJoaquin) January 22, 2021
After that, the journalist indicated that a “high point” is being experienced in the middle of the pandemic, suggesting that not everyone is understanding the seriousness of the health crisis.
“It is not about your political color, your ideology, your beliefs. The point is that you cannot make reels. Since March 13, many people, most of this country, are taking care of themselves … the light is finally seen with the vaccine, “he said.
“What does it cost you to make the last effort? What does it cost you to demonstrate the education you have had instead of treating a (de) starving journalist. This situation really makes me angry ”, concluded.
It should be noted that, just this day, a high number of infections was registered at the national level, with almost 5,000 new infections, in figures that are already similar to those of last June, the first peak of the pandemic.
For now, the entire Metropolitan Region remains in Phase 2 of the Step by Step plan, which means that there is quarantine only on weekends.