It is tradition that at the inauguration ceremonies of the presidents of the United States a poet must appear who narrates some composition to the nation. This Wednesday it was the turn of Amanda Gorman, 22-year-old who dazzled millions.
Once on stage the writer, who is also a sociologist and activist, related a poem that she called The hill we climbed translated as “The Hill We Climb”, with which he surprised the new president of the United States, Joe Biden, and the vice president Kamala Harris.
The task was not easy, since minutes before two renowned artists had performed on the Capitol stage: Lady Gaga performing the American anthem and Jennifer Lopez singing This land is your land.
However, Gorman was able to reach the audience and earned the mentions of the media in that country, which already raised her as one of the most prominent emerging writers.

“The Mountain We Climb” addressed issues such as the Donald Trump administration, the importance of Democracy in that nation, racial diversity and even the latest invasion that hundreds of nationalist fanatics carried out to the US parliament building.
“We saw a force that would tear our nation apart instead of uniting it. It would destroy our country if it meant delaying democracy. And this effort was close to being successful ”, Indian.
But while democracy may be periodically delayed, it can never be permanently defeated. In this truth, in this faith we trust. Because as long as we have our eyes on the future, history has its eyes on us ”, he added at another time.
On the other hand, the most emotional part was when he called the union in the country: “There is always light, if we are brave enough to see it, if we are brave enough to embody it.”
It should be noted that in 2017 Gorman had already been awarded the prize for young poets in the United States.
At that time, his lyrics dealt with various issues related to his life, such as his political ideals, climate change and economic inequality in his country.
However, in those years she also spoke of her origins: being the daughter of a single mother from the state of California, who taught at a school in the Watts neighborhood.
“It has endowed me with the value of education. Not only for me but for others… It helped me to take my education to another level, ”he said months ago.