A new and shocking moment was lived in “Hidden Truths” this Wednesday, where a new victim was added to the list of deaths in history.
For several days now, the followers of the television series suspected that “Juanfra” (Mauricio Flores), the young Venezuelan and Leonardo’s assistant, could die at the hands of Eliana, which finally happened.
After several hours kidnapped by the villain, now she forced him to take off his shirt and aimed it at his head, where she finally shot him, leaving him lying on the bed, and thus becoming a new victim of Eliana.
While, Juliet desperately tries to contact him, while Eliana promises that she will be the next victim, since he knows that he works for Rocío.
After Juanfra’s death, the name of the television series became the most talked about on Twitter, where several lamented the death of the also known “Arepín”.
“Goodbye arepin”; “At what point does Eliana really start to suffer”; “It already makes me angry that Eliana is untouchable and everything works out for her,” were some of the comments that appeared.
He slept, stole, He was rude to customers, He was lazy, he was always late … And yet there goes the best employee who has had the 5-star bite … 😭😭😭😭😭Always arepin … RIP 😞 #HiddenTruths pic.twitter.com/WYQjBRTHVD
– Koke Sprouse (@KokeSprouse) January 20, 2021
Juanfra: “Let me live … I do what you ask me … !!!”
Eliana: “It’s my brother’s fault. You know too much”#HiddenTruths pic.twitter.com/Pfpz0XrfHM– é 👑🎮 (@_RevenG) January 20, 2021
NOOOO BECAUSE AL AREPITOOO !!!! #HiddenTruths pic.twitter.com/8Up6EEbHQg
– Cami 🍃 (@Florencia_Camiw) January 20, 2021
Grace indirectly put Juliet as the target of the crazy Eliana when she told her that she worked with La Rocío 👁️👄👁️#HiddenTruths
– Lore 🍒✨ (@codenamefixon) January 20, 2021
All about Hidden Truths
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