Biden “disavows” Trump and decides to maintain international travel restrictions due to pandemic | International


The president-elect of the USA, Joe biden, who will take possession this Wednesday, will not lift international travel restrictions as of January 26 from Europe and Brazil as the outgoing president had announced this Monday, Donald trumpsaid Jen Psaki, future White House spokeswoman.

“On the advice of our medical team, the (Biden) Administration does not plan to lift these restrictions on January 26. In fact, we plan to strengthen public health measures on international travel to further mitigate the spread of covid-19, ″ said Psaki in a message on Twitter.

On that date, Biden, who takes office on January 20He will already be president of the US and, therefore, will be the one who has the capacity to maintain or suspend those restrictions.

The future Biden spokeswoman replied like this minutes after Trump announced the end of travel restrictions to the United States from the European Union, the UK and Brazil as of January 26

“With the pandemic worsening, and more contagious variants emerging around the world, this is not the time to lift restrictions on international travel.”Psaki added.

The ban on passengers from the European Union and the United Kingdom was imposed in March 2020, while the one on Brazil dates from May.

As of January 26, the requirement of a negative test for covid-19 comes into force for all international air passengers, including US citizens, bound for the US, recently announced by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

However, in his decision this Monday, Trump maintains travel restriction for passengers from China and Iran for “having failed to cooperate with the US public health authorities and shared timely and accurate information on the spread of the virus.”

The United States is the country most affected by the pandemic in the world, with more than 24 million cases of Covid-19 and almost 400,000 deaths, according to the independent count from Johns Hopkins University.
